In Memorium

To contribute your memories of a former friend and colleague who has passed away, send via e-mail to

Karl Gunther

 Chuck Koval: It was a great privilege for me to have met and be close to Karl. I can remember first meeting him about 20 years ago on my first investigation across the Anacostia River, on Pennsylvania Avenue.  Karl always remembered the accident location well, remembering the cross street, because it was a big accident for Washington Gas.  All I can remember about the location was that it was where the Avenue climbed the hill.  Later we would meet to discuss different types of plastic, plastic piping accidents, and rarely to test different types.  Cast iron piping, involved in my first accident, was also a topic.  See Karl, having graduated in Chemistry and Materials Science from the University of Maryland, was an expert on pipeline materials and thus pipelines.  He taught me a lot.
Some are bound to die young
By dying young a person stays young
in people's memory.
If he burns brightly before he dies,
his brightness shines for all time.