In Memorium

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Luis Carmona

Hector Casanova:
Among other accomplishments with the Board, Mr. Carmona was the Board’s lead investigator on the world’s biggest aviation accident (Tenerife).
May those beautiful yesterdays we spent with Louie help us ease the sadness we feel today.
Also attached was this from Luis a few months earlier:
Finally my book The American Dream has been published.  It has a couple of misspelled words and some duplicated pictures but we all know that I never claimed to be an English Major.  All I can tell you is that what you will see in it, is true, in goof faith and took place only because the Lord put me on some odd places or situations at some odd times to witness, participate or be exposed to those events related in the book.   All I try to do is to prove that it can be done, but only if you try!
To get the book go to the internet address""  the name of the book is The American Dream, published by Luis Carmona on 06/22/2013.  You can get it as a printed copy or read it in your computer in PDF.
Your comments are welcome
(See Am Dream photo)